How do I update whois information for my domain?

To modify the Whois Information (Registrant, Administrive, Technical and Billing Contacts) for your .ly domain, please read the following instructions.

  • Login to your Client Area
  • On the right sidebar , In the “Domains” section, click on “My Domains”
  • Click on Manage next to the domain you wish to update or modify
  • Under “Management Tools” click on “Update Whois”
  • From there you should be able to update the whois for your domain name.
  • You can edit the Registrant, Administrative, Technical and Billing Contacts and then click on “Save Changes”

Please make sure that all the information on your .ly domain whois are correct and up to date, as they are the information that will be used if any legal issues arise, such as domain transfer disputes.

If you face any difficulties, please contact [email protected]

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Updated on October 9, 2022

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